Sunday, June 21, 2020


My friend Margarita has this poster on her social media page and even before I read the translation, I know it must mean something beautiful because a picture paints a thousand words.

I see a person climbing a high ladder to stick stars onto the sky. And I see a whole basket of stars pushed by a puny animal. There is effort involved in climbing so high. There is fear involved too if she is afraid of heights. There are so many stars in the basket, so it means lots of time taken to stick them one by one onto the sky. The basket is heavy and the puny animal needs to push it with all her strength. But both the person and the animal continue to do so.


Translated it means: People who help others shine know that there is room for everyone.

Being selfless. Being supportive. Being encouraging.

But what is more common everywhere is backbiting and stepping on others to get ahead, be it in the real world or in soap operas. People are envious of others having a better life than themselves. Others feel threatened if someone is more capable or has more potential. Sad to say, there are plenty of them around.

I have attended many workshops on creativity. When I really enjoy doing something, I go all out. So even if everyone else makes a simple art piece, I challenge myself to make a more complicated one. Sometimes I don't stop at one.

And when I bring it to the class the following week, some are genuinely excited to see what I have done. But there are always those who will not be happy. You can sense it from their body language. Even the teacher! So a good friend who has seen my works privately, even told me not to bring my best piece to class. Just bring a mediocre piece, so everyone is happy, so no one feels threatened.

What a shame!

If I were the teacher and my student shows great enthusiasm in my class, I would be so proud. If my student outshines me and creates better things using what I have taught as a springboard, I would be over the moon.

I love a good challenge to excel and I challenge others to excel. That has always been the way I encourage my children and support them, even if they are already adults.

My good friends who share with me their insecurities know that I will help them see the best in themselves. Because sometimes we forget our strengths and it takes another person to give us an honest assessment of what we can do and what we can't. Because sometimes we need to be challenged to take the next step, out of our comfort zone.

Why is our worldview so narrow? Why do we tell ourselves that if someone gets ahead, we will be left behind?

I have encountered strange remarks that left me baffled. When I check with my Irish friends, they almost always come to the same conclusion - 'these people are simply jealous of you.'

I am very comfortable in my own skin. I respect the law.  Within the community, I do what I want to do, not because I have to do it. I am not afraid to disappoint others because I choose to be true to myself. No society, custom or habit can influence me to do otherwise. I have no bucket list and I do not desire the bigger house next door. I am content with my lot.

I have also been shocked by people whispering in my ears - usually bad stuff about others - a snide remark, a rolling of eyes. The sad thing is it has become so common, they don't see anything wrong and as long as they don't kill or rob someone, they think gossip is pretty harmless.   It only shows a disgruntled spirit within a very unhappy person indeed.

When someone I know shines, I genuinely feel very happy for her. I don't believe in luck, so I believe she must have done something great to arrive at such an achievement.

To actually help someone achieve more or become a better version of himself takes time and effort and a different perspective of life.

There is always room for another star in the sky. When we let others shine, we will also shine alongside.

The best part is the reward is intangible. A deep satisfaction to see someone else happy. A deep satisfaction within which no one can take away.


  1. It cannot be better expressed! It is true, the improvement of the others is because there was an effort and we should be happy for that. But there will always be envious or insecure people, so you keep going!
